WEIGHT LOSS WITH EIGHT NUTS It is widely believed that consuming nuts, which can be excessive in calories and fats, can make you gain weight. healthful nuts, on the opposite, consist  of numerous vitamins which might be right for the frame. under we listed the benefits and advised healthy nuts for weight reduction. Eight Nuts that could without a doubt help you shed pounds: 1. Walnuts Because of the polyunsaturated fats and protein they contain, walnuts are among the fine nuts for weight reduction. thinking about that they comprise each omega 6 and omega three fatty acids, which might be polyunsaturated fats which might be wonderful to the frame. Moreover, they incorporate alpha-linoleic acid, which is incredible for accelerating fats loss and enhancing heart health. 2. Almonds In line with studies on almonds and frame weight, even daily consumption of quantities that exceed four hundred calories does not result in weight growth. People regularly sense much less hunger and devour much

Cancer Treatment


Scientists explore deep oceans for cancer treatment:

A medicinal molecule could be found in microbes scooped up in sediment

Cancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of people worldwide every year. Despite significant advancements in cancer treatment, there is still a great need for new and innovative therapies to combat this disease. Recently, scientists have turned to the deep oceans in search of potential treatments for cancer.

The deep oceans are a largely unexplored frontier, and it is estimated that over 80% of the ocean's biodiversity is yet to be discovered. The unique and extreme environments found in the deep oceans have the potential to yield new and novel compounds with therapeutic properties.

One area of the deep ocean that has received a lot of attention from cancer researchers is hydrothermal vents. These vents are located on the ocean floor and are home to a variety of organisms that have adapted to the harsh conditions found in this environment. The extreme pressure, high temperatures, and toxic chemicals found in hydrothermal vents have led to the evolution of unique biochemical pathways in these organisms that produce novel compounds with potential therapeutic properties.

Scientists have identified a number of compounds found in organisms living around hydrothermal vents that have shown promise as potential cancer treatments. For example, one compound called trabectedin was derived from a marine organism found near hydrothermal vents and has been shown to be effective in treating certain types of cancer.

In addition to hydrothermal vents, other areas of the deep ocean are also being explored for potential cancer treatments. For example, scientists have found that certain sponges found in the deep ocean produce compounds with anti-cancer properties. These compounds have been shown to be effective in killing cancer cells in laboratory studies and are currently being tested in clinical trials.

Overall, the deep oceans represent a largely untapped resource for cancer researchers. The extreme environments found in the deep oceans have led to the evolution of unique biochemical pathways in organisms living in these environments, which produce novel compounds with potential therapeutic properties. As our understanding of the deep oceans continues to grow, it is likely that more and more potential cancer treatments will be discovered in this largely unexplored frontier.


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